While scented candles can range from as low as $5 each to as expensive as $79 (yes, we’ve seen candles this pricey), you may be thinking it would be outrageous to spend more than $5 on something that sits in the corner of your room giving off light.
The fact of the matter is, not all candles are created equally. With the massive differences in wax, fragrances, containers and the way a candle is made, the low price tag isn’t always as appealing as it may seem.

The Wax
What makes a candle a candle aside from the wick is the wax that is used. Surprisingly enough there are dozens of waxes that are available to candle makers, all with their own distinct tendencies when it comes to finishes, fragrance throw and burn time.
Paraffin Wax
Many less expensive candles use paraffin wax, which are made through a chemical process that crude oil into a wax type substance. Because of this, this type of wax is more easily available and very cheap. The drawback of paraffin wax is is there are various health and environmental hazards considering it is a crude oil based product.
Soy Wax
Soy wax is slowly becoming a more sought after wax in the premium candle space, mainly because soy (made from soy beans) is naturally a renewable resource.
Soy wax also burns longer and has a much larger scent throw radius, meaning you’ll ultimately get more life and be able to burn your candle for longer than with paraffin wax.
The longer burn time and better fragrance throw does come as a price since soy based candles are generally more expensive.
Beeswax is the oldest known ingredient in candle making past considering it is literally produced by bees. It is said it takes as much as six to eight pounds of honey just to produce a pound of beeswax.
Considering the amount of labor and general uniqueness of beeswax, these candles are considered the most luxurious and therefore most expensive candles on the market.
All PlayerOne candles are made with 100% soy wax. We source our wax from only USA suppliers to ensure we are supporting the American economy and small businesses throughout the country.
The Fragrance
Unless you are purchasing candles for their illumination, the most important of your candle journey is its fragrance. The way a candle can transform your room from ordinary to extraordinary and uplift your spirit with its fragrance is one of the reasons why candles are such a sought after product.
The same as with candle wax, fragrances are not all created equal. While perfumes are full of oils that just plain out smell good, a candle is a mix of oils that will need to burn well as well as smell good while doing it.
Fragrances can be made with either artificial scents or with essential oils. Candles with essential oils tend to be more expensive, mainly because true essential oils are super pricey!
Various essential oils also range in quality. Cheaper candles tend to have lower quality oils, leading to a candle that may not smell as good as a candle made with higher quality ingredients.
The Container
Amazing looking jars, tight fitting lids and shipping materials to prevent breakage all contribute to the price of a candle. Also let’s face it, it’s the candle that catches your eye, especially when shopping online since you can’t actually smell the candle.
While it doesn’t seem so, a lot goes into the creation of that candle on your fireplace mantle. While it seems going cheaper might be the better choice, considering premium waxes take longer to burn and have a larger scent throw radius it is not always the smartest choice when trying to stretch your candle budget.